I'm very excited to announce that I've got a literary agent. I've agreed on an offer from Eric Smith of PS Literary Agency. Like me, Eric has a corgi, used to play in indie rock bands, and started a local geek website (unlike me, his grew into a massive thing whereas I put mine on hiatus due to the whole "having a baby" thing). So between that and his sensible editorial comments, I think it'll be a great fit and hopefully we'll have more good news in the near future.
This has been an intense two weeks of considering many options, taking short notice phone calls, and freaking out my critique partners with many, many questions.
I'll repost my Twitter announcement here since that seemed to encapsulate things pretty well. And for now, I'll do a quick mental victory lap before diving into revisions.
Here’s the Twitter thread of my announcement, which quickly devolves into corgi photos.